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Spitzer Lampooned

Mike Bloomberg and Eli ManningTonight's Inner Circle performance, a black-tie charity fundraiser held at the New York Hilton, took off the gloves and delved right into this week's political shocker, the Spitzer scandal and resignation. The manic events of the past five days required cast members, who are primarily New York radio and television personalities, to put in long hours both covering the unfolding story and re-writing portions of the script of their show to be up-to-the-minute as details of the tawdry affair were uncovered. Traditionally, the hammy corps of 100 journos creates an annual show to lampoon the sitting mayor. Immediately following the reporters' on-stage antics, the mayor has the chance for a theatrical rebuttal. Last year, Mayor Michael Bloomberg was joined on stage with cast members from Mary Poppins. This year, it was the cast of Xanadu. The fun-spirited give-and-take parry has been going on for more than eighty years. This evening's performance, called Young Mikenstein, a send-up of the Mel Brooks musical currently playing at the New Amsterdam theater, follows the wild campaign to create a monster-style replacement for our lame duck mayor. The Spitzer jokes, however, start early and don't let up. Watch for WCBS Newsradio 880's Rich Lamb as Michael Bloomberg, Glenn Schuck of 1010 WINS as a hilarious and inspired Igor, the CW11's Mary Murphy as a singing and dancing Hillary Clinton and Marvin Scott as NYC schools chancellor Joel Klein, as well as CBS 2's John Slattery as George W. Bush, among others. Photographs courtesy of Marvin Scott.

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