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Food Fight!

When you hear the words "food fight" and "movie" in the same sentence, you most likely go right to images of John Belushi hurling cafeteria fare in the fraternity classic Animal House. That was then. This is now. Enter last night's screening of the film Food Fight. A celebration of the Slow Food movement pioneered by Alice Waters, the documentary is the work of filmmaker Chris Taylor and is both an elegy for a bygone era of pre-industrial, unprocessed food and a hopeful tribute to the gradual return to real food in the 1970s and the nation's current priority on quality, local ingredients.

Hosted by Manhattan magazine and the always-elegant Supper Club, the movie's unveiling was held (appropriately enough) in the city's greenest residential building, the Visionnaire, a luxury tower in Battery Park. As guests supped on canapés made from local ingredients, a silent auction was held to promote the Chez Panisse Foundation, created by Slow Food pioneer Alice Waters to teach kids the benefits of truly good nutrition. John Belushi would not have been pleased. For more pics, click here.

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