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Entries in Anita Sarko (1)


Diamond in the Ruff (Party 2)

Last night, animal lovers, royalty and other friends of author, animal activist and philanthropist Wendy Diamond gathered to toast her on her birthday at a private residence in Millennium Towers, overlooking Central Park. Guests included Prince Waldemar ZuSchaumburg-Lippe Nachod of Denmark and Animal Planet stars Victoria Stilwell (host of It’s Me or The Dog, seen with Diamond at left) and Lincoln O’Barry, whose three-part series, Blood Dolphins, premieres August 27. A special toast was given to Lincoln's father, Ric O’Barry, who starred in the Oscar-winning documentary The Cove.

Other guests included Scott Delman, Nunu Deng, Alex Goldberg, Melissa Breitbart Sohn, Robin Cofer, author Anisha Lakhani, Anita Sarko, Heidi Kelso, and United Nations Executive Director of Partnerships Amir Dossal, along with his wife, Tas, and son, Zecki. Last but certainluy not least was Diamond's Maltese rescue, Lucky, who had plenty of company thanks to the other four-legged friends who made it to the event.

For slideshow, click here.