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Entries in beluga (1)


Caviar, By the Glass

Conferencing about Caviar With caviar coming under increasing scrutiny as a non-sustainable luxury, it was just a matter of time before bons vivants opened their minds to new caviar choices that don't involve gutting a pregnant sea creature. (Indeed, soy caviar made an appearance at the Fancy Food Show, in New York, a few years back.) But the latest iteration of the coveted globules has come from Remy Cointreau, maker of Cointreau, a key ingredient in cocktails from margaritas to Cosmopolitans. Tonight, at an intimate event held at the white-hot New Museum, in the Bowery, Cointreau took the wraps off of its own version of caviar, created by master mixologist Fernando Castellon. Not truly intended as a replacement for beluga, osetra or sevruga, the caviar is designed to be used as an additive to Cointreau cocktails. Watch for it soon at an upscale watering hole near you. %%showphotos [setid=72157603987406005]%%