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Entries in diddy (1)


The White Album

Diddy's annual white party may have more bling, but the pop-up gatherings created by Belgian national Gregoire Vogelsang rate far higher on the spontaneity scale. Like the man once known as Sean Combs, Vogelsang insists that his guests (who are informed of the party's location only 24 hours in advance) arrive clad in white from top to bottom. Thus far this year, the energetic event-planner has thrown white meals in Bryant Park, Battery Park and this weekend, in a plaza just north of the Flatiron building. Guests, some of whom have known the winsome host for less than a few days, bring their own food, with enough to share with others. Local restaurants lend table linens, dishware and silverware and the locations come ready-equipped with tables and chairs.

Where will Vogelsang and his brigade of immaculately dressed friends turn up next? Stay tuned.

For more photos, click here.