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Entries in dutch seen (1)


Going Dutch

Manhattan recalled its Dutch roots last night—with a contemporary twist—at the opening of Dutch Seen: New York Rediscovered. The new exhibition, which will be on view at the Museum of the City of New York through mid-September, features contemporary works by Morad Bouchakour, Misha de Ridder, Wijnanda Deroo, Rineke Dijkstra, Charlotte Dumas, Hendrik Kerstens, Arno Nollen, Erwin Olaf, Jaap Scheeren, Danielle van Ark, Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin, and Hellen van Meene.

Staged to coincide with the quadricentennial of the Dutch arrival in New York, the exhibition is one of the highlights of NY400 and was graced with a visit by Frans Timmermans, Dutch Minister for European Affairs. The NY400 celebrations will conclude in November, with the annual Peter Stuyvesant Ball.

For more photos, click here.