You Oughta Be in My Pictures
If the image that comes to mind when you think "St. Patrick's Day party" is one of ample Guinness and drunken renditions of "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling," you clearly don't know Patrick McMullan. The celebrity photographer (a protégé of Andy Warhol), chronicler of über-glam Manhattan for more than three decades, threw a party in the name of his patron saint last night, and the scene was anything but traditional. With a guest list peopled by the faces McMullan photographs at high-profile outings throughout the year, the party teemed with models, social climbers and other fixtures of the New York nightlife scene. DJ Gant Johnson kept the mood lively, as did a series of dancers in various states of (green) undress. Though the party space (the appropriately named Greenhouse, in SoHo) was beyond packed, anyone fortunate enough to have gotten inside knew better than to leave early. The people-watching (as curated by McMullan's trained eye) was exceptional—even by New York standards.
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