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Entries in lunchbox fund of south africa (1)


For the Love of Lunchboxes!

New York Insider TV hit the red carpet at the Lunchbox Auction kickoff at Milk Studios last night. A charity event benefiting the Lunchbox Fund of South Africa and the Food Bank for New York City, the event pulled together the talents of more than eighty celebrities, each of whom were provided an unadorned lunchbox and encouraged to give it their own distinctive design. Among the boldface names who participated: Martha Stewart, Liv Tyler, the New York Giants, Gwyneth Paltrow, Tony Bennett and Cameron Diaz. The results of their work will go to the highest bidders at an auction taking place on-line and running through December 18. Prices at $100. To browse and bid, visit here. Celebs who turned up for last night's preview included Austin Powers himself, Mike Myers, R.E.M. frontman Michael Stipe, superchef Mario Batali, writer Salman Rushdie, actress Julia Stiles and designer Richie Rich. New York Insider's question of the evening: What lunchbox did you have as a child?: Richie Rich: Batman and Robin Michael Stipe: The Munsters Mario Batali: Spiderman (with hot soup in the Thermos) And if Austin Powers had had a lunchbox? "It would have been covered in velvet." —Mike Myers Who was on your lunchbox when you were a child?

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