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Entries in national hockey league (1)


Ticking Right Along

High in the executive dining room overlooking Times Square in the Condé Nast building, a party was held last night for Michael J. Berland and Douglas E. Schoen, co-authors of the book What Makes You Tick? How Successful People Do It – and What You Can Learn from Them. The book analyzes some of the most powerful figures in fashion, sports, entertainment and finance. According to Berland and Schoen, being successful is not a matter of changing who you are—it’s about figuring out what makes you tick. Heidi Klum, Jimmy Choo’s Tamara Mellon, Bob Costas and Steve Forbes, among others, provide first-hand accounts of how they used their natural abilities and best qualities to create their own success.

The party was co-hosted by Gary Bettman, commissioner of the National Hockey League, David Carey, Group President of Condé Nast, and William Lauder, CEO of Estée Lauder Companies. What Makes You Tick will be released on May 26, wherever books are sold.—Maura Kutner

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