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Entries in point suite (2)


Get the Point?

With less than 30 days and counting till the Point Suite Ball, taking place on September 24, artist, ingenue and New York Insider Annika Connor threw a pre-party to raise the excitement level for the ball from very high to even higher. Held at Chelsea nightclub The Gates, the party brought out patrons of the arts and patrons of the bar alike.

If the pre-party is any indication, the Point Suite Art Ball, which will take place at Studio 450, is going to be one amazing night. Be sure to purchase your ticket sooner rather than later. Contributions are tax deductible and also entitle  donors to receive a special access card for VIP entry into The Gates, good for several months worth of visits. Get the Point? Good. Now get your ticket!

For more photos, click here.


Getting the Point

Artist Annika Connor (far left) threw a concept launch party for her Point Suite art book at Mr. West last night and anyone expecting a sedate gathering of intellectuals rambling on about brustrokes and dimensional perspective would have been sorely disappointed. The bright young crowd (many of them artists who will be featured in the book) mixed and mingled, looking every bit as colorful and fun as this book (publication date still unset) promises to be.

For more photos, click here.