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Entries in rescue ink (1)


Gone to the Dogs

We've all seen them on the streets of New York....hapless canines dressed in "cute" outfits by their owners. "Get me out of here," the dogs' eyes seem to plead, as the biped holding the leash grins from ear to ear about how adorable the ensemble looks on his or her pet.

Not so the dogs at Howlaween last night, an event benefitting the Humane Society of New York and sponsored by Wendy Diamond and Animal Fair magazine. Dressed as characters from the Big Bad Wolf to Shrek's Princess Fiona, Jackie O to hero pilot "Sully" Sullenberger, these pooches loved every minute of being in Halloween costume. Parading on a runway at M2 Ultralounge, in Chelsea, the dogs (and their costumed caretakers) delighted a standing-room-only crowd that came out to enjoy the kind of creativity that was truly something to bark about.

Celebrity judges for the night included the cast of National Geographic's Rescue InkReal Housewives of New York's Ramona Bass and Miss Teen USA, Stormi Bree Henley. For more pictures of man's best friends lapping it up on the runway, click here.