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Entries in vespashare (1)


Not Very Cloudy, But a Very Good Chance of Meatballs

Bidding was fierce at the sixth annual Share fund-raiser last night, with the most intense activity taking place during the auction of dinner for four at New York's toughest-to-get-into restaurant, the Italian family-owned eatery Rao's, located in East Harlem.

Fetching $6,000, the dinner had better include a hearty portion of meatballs. (We've been to Rao's, and trust us, it will.) The winning bid just scarcely beat out the take for a limited-edition pink Vespa, which was snapped up for $5,300.

Share, a philanthropic organization supporting both breast cancer and ovarian cancer research, raised nearly $500,000 during the night, which featured a walkaround tasting with cuisine to sample from some of the nation's top women chefs.

So which would you choose if you had $6,000 to spend at a charity auction? A Vespa scooter or dinner for four at Rao's? Let us know here.