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Entries in appalachian trail (1)


Staying Late at the Office

In light of the late-night king's big annoucement last night, we present: "The Top Ten Things We'd Like to Say to David Letterman"

Number 10: Too bad Hugh Grant doesn’t have a show. He could have had you on to apologize to America.

Number 9: For those of us who haven’t given you your wedding gift yet, is it OK if we take it back?

Number 8: Who takes checks anymore? Hasn’t your extortionist ever heard of a Swiss bank account?

Number 7: We know you love cigars. Please say you did not follow in the footsteps of a certain ex-president and his antics with said tobacco product.

Number 6: Yes, siree. The Palins are feeling mighty smug right about now. You betcha.

Number 5: You’ve given bold new hope to sixtysomething men across America.

Number 4: Was it love at Stupid Pet Trick?

Number 3: My, oh my. What will they think of this at the Home Office in Sioux City, Iowa?

Number 2: Next time, get Joaquin Phoenix to help you break the news to your audience.

Number 1: Are you sure you weren’t just hiking on the Appalachian Trail?